Category: Blog
You’re Starting to Get on My Nerves! (When the Honeymoon Phase Starts to End)
Differences Don’t Mean You’re Doomed! As a San Diego therapist, I often get excited when seemingly dreaded statements come from my clients who are in new relationships. The honeymoon period while dating is exhilarating, fun, and necessary, but doesn’t capture the reality of relationship. Real issues surface as differences emerge and this is often expressed […]
Read more »How to Choose a Therapist
Many people consider pursuing therapy in San Diego, but many aren’t sure how to begin looking for the right therapist. After making the decision to go to therapy, finding a San Diego therapist can be a daunting task as San Diego is a large city and there are many therapists from which to choose. But, […]
Read more »Will the Depression Ever Go Away?
For some people, depression is a lifelong battle due to various factors, but for most of us depression is temporary and circumstantial. But, when it strikes, we often think it will attach itself to us forever. When the strength of depression hits, it speaks in deceptive ways and leads us to think we’ll never feel […]
Read more »Facebook Fueled Fear
I’m sure all of us have either heard of or experienced “Facebook drama” which usually pivots around romantic relationships and friendships. Often, it’s Facebook that is blamed for these relationship upsets, but I take a different position. I believe social media simply provides a medium for patterns that already exist in individuals and offers opportunity […]
Read more »Time Outs Aren’t Just for Kids
In my private practice as a San Diego therapist, I often see the damaging effects of unbridled anger on relationships. And, men don’t have the corner on this market either – plenty of women do their fair share of harm through fiery tempers and uncensored words. So, what are some suggestions for couples who continue […]
Read more »How to Improve your Intimacy
Intimacy barriers, or walls of defense, ultimately lead to breakdown in communication. This breakdown usually manifests in one of two ways – blame/criticism or shutdown/withdrawal.
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